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Franklin University Switzerland メイド・イン・イタリー サマーコース
Franklin University Switzerland

メイド・イン・イタリー サマーコース

Lugano, スイス

4 Weeks




15 Jan 2025

USD 3,450 *


* 米国またはカナダの市民および永住者向け料金 | EU/EEA 学生向け料金: 2955 CHF。追加料金は含まれません


このユニークなコースを通じて、「Made in Italy」ブランドの真髄を発見してください。イタリアのメディアとファッションが世界の文化に及ぼす影響を分析し、ミラノの象徴的なファッションとデザインの場所を訪問します。この体験は、影響力のあるイタリアのコミュニケーションとスタイルの世界を深く掘り下げるものです。

Our 6-credit packages

Our 6-credit packages are designed to complement our range of individual course offerings. We have crafted these packages to provide a comprehensive and immersive summer learning experience, which is perfect for students who are eager to delve deep into a specific subject area. By selecting one of these packages, you can embark on a focused academic journey, and make the most of your summer. Alternatively, our vast selection of individual courses offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling you to customize your summer studies to align perfectly with your interests and academic goals.

Why Choose Franklin for Your Summer Study?

  • Rigorous Academic Environment: Challenge yourself with our academically stimulating courses.
  • Hands-On Experiential Learning: Connect classroom knowledge with real-world experiences through Academic Travel and project-based learning.
  • Global Focus: Enhance your international awareness by engaging with critical global issues.
  • Cross-Cultural Immersion: Join a diverse community of students and faculty from around the world.
  • Earn Valuable Credits: Advance your undergraduate studies with summer credits.

Dynamic Summer Sessions

Our undergraduate summer offerings kick off in early June and run through the end of July, divided into two intensive 4-week sessions. These sessions are about learning in a vibrant, cross-cultural community, with courses delivered by our faculty and esteemed guest lecturers.

Academic Travel: A Franklin Hallmark

Our Academic Travel programs stand out, offering you the chance to explore destinations relevant to your course material. This immersive learning approach makes your education at Franklin truly unique, providing insights that extend far beyond the classroom.



