Online United Kingdom
1 Years
フルタイム, パートタイム
Sep 2025
GBP 3,384
あなたは生物心理学の分野でのキャリアを探している成人学生ですか? これは、シティ カレッジ プリマスの CAVA 高等教育アクセス ディプロマ (理科) に登録した場合に利用できるルートの 1 つにすぎません。その他の機会には、言語、心理学、神経科学、精神保健看護、危機介入、作業療法、教育心理学などがあります。このコースは、大学での勉強を必要とする新しいキャリアのために再教育を受けたい場合に最適です。同じ志を持つ成人学生と一緒に学び、経験豊富な講師から多くのサポートを受けることができます。カレッジのコース名は推奨される進学ルートであるため、希望する高等教育機関に確認して、このコースが入学要件を満たしていることを確認する必要があります。
コースを修了すると、高等教育へのアクセス ディプロマ (理科) が授与されます。
Assessment methods
Academic subjects may include:
- Psychology
- Biology.
Total credits – 45 at level 3
Academic preparation skills units subjects may include:
- Examination technique and practice
- English
- Chemistry.
Total credits – 15 at level 2 or ungraded level 3. Total 60 credits.
Placements, Voluntary Work and Paid Employment
It is essential that you are aware if your university course requires you to have prior experience before applications are made. Lack of work experience would not exclude you from completing the Access course, however it may impact on your application to university.
GCSE equivalences in maths, English and science are no longer part of the Access Diploma. It is up to you if wish to enrol on GCSEs alongside your diploma, if you do not currently hold a recent 4 (C) qualification. Your chosen university may not require its applicants to have GCSE or may be happy with previously achieved qualifications, such as O Level, level 2, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have clarified if enrolling on a GCSE is appropriate for you. If your university course does require you to study at GCSE level you could study alongside your Access Diploma, however you must understand the implications of not achieving your GCSEs. Although it does not affect your achievement of an Access Diploma it may compromise your place at university if you achieve the Access Diploma but do not achieve your GCSEs. Some universities encourage applicants to apply for university without GCSEs and complete equivalences between application and enrolment with the university (again, this is something you have to clarify). Alternatively, you may wish to study your GCSEs the year before or after Access study. GCSE classes are held during the day and in the evening. You will have to apply as a separate course, as well as your Access course, if this is your preference. The national changes in GCSE requirements for mature students are unique to each HEI.